Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Warm up 10/18

AS I scrolled through the images, a story was told. A story that this man loved her. she meant everything to him and soon, he would lose his everything. My heart melted when I saw the tombstone picture pop up because I will be seeing a lot of them soon. My 84 year old grandmother was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer and has been hurt our family very bad. I think the quote really speaks to me in the sense that they show what we are but not exactly what we are. I think it would be very hard to take these pictures but even more difficult to look at them later and post the story on the blog. I definitely would be sensitive about all the criticism, good or bad. Talking about a loved one that you have lost is very hard to do, and I wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to take all of the pictures. If I could write Angelo a letter, I would tell him what beautiful pictures he took even though it was probably very difficult given the circumstances. I would ask him how to deal with everything. His story is very motivational.

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