Thursday, February 1, 2018

Deadlines, ARGGH!!

Deadlines, ARGH!!

  1. The origin of the word deadline is not certain but many people think it relates to the term used in World War II as a term related to prisons. The deadline meant that no prisoner could cross it.
  2. Missing a deadline can make you fail a class or get a very bad grade in the class. Your work may not be accepted or graded and you really don’t want your grade to die.
  3. In all of my classes, I do have problems meeting deadlines and i am not sure how to fix it. I have gotten bad grades in my classes and I have had the lecture with my parents, which is definitely not fun.
  4. I do miss deadlines on homework sometimes but never anything worth a project grade. I think I cause my own deadlines, I always forget and I am never organized. I also believe that the extra curricular activities i am involved in cause me to miss the due date.

  1. I think the suggestion that would help me the most would be to get a good night’s sleep because I find myself getting tired all the time and so i fall asleep and do not get any work done, no matter how important it is.
  2. The toughest way that they told me I should do was to say no to friends. I get very jealous when people hang out without me because I feel like i won’t be there if something happens or as if i am missing all the action.
  3. I am a morning person for sure. I always wake up with energy and by night time, I always am tired and i can never stay up late.
  4. In the morning, I always want to sleep in longer and sometimes i forget to get up and i end up falling asleep again. This forces me to try and get work done in classes or during lunch.
  5. My study time varies everyday because of my activities that i do weekly so I think a dedicated study time would be either fit or right when I get home from school.
  6. To eliminate distractions, I think I could make my mom take my phone away from me, sit at a desk instead of my bed, and tell my family to not talk to me for a couple hours so I wouldn't have any disruptions.

  1. I think if i can manage my time better and analyze when to do homework, I could definitely take control and get my work done and turned in on time.
  2. My ideal studying setting would be at a desk in a comfortable chair and lights dimmed. There would be relaxing music playing and it would be chilly.
  3. MY biggest distraction is 110% my phone, I never focus when I have it within my reach. I always go to social media and check everything that's going on.
  4. I can make my  mom take away my phone, I can turn off my phone and put it on the other side of the room, and I can put it on Airplane mode.

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