Thursday, February 8, 2018

selfie v self portrait

Self portrait v selfie.

A selfie is a picture taken with a person's hands, of themselves. Many times, selfies are used to celebrate and show of things in a quick moment, without taking time to set up a camera to take a photograph. A self portrait is a picture taken of one, by themself but with a timer so they can position/pose. They typically show what the photographer is interested in/ how they are feeling towards a certain subject. In a selfie, they are normally taken quickly to celebrate something/show something they are doing. A self portrait normally shows deeper emotion and displays a thought provoking element to the picture. A selfie can be very valuable when it is taken with people you care about and can be looked back on later in life and provide emotional feelings. Self portrait may just remind you of how you were a couple years back.  

I chose the website Bagnews, which is more focused on the politics of photography This website lets you find out about current events through photography. Their intention is to show the news through the camera and take pictures to show details of popular events. The average viewer could definitely learn interesting perspectives and view news stories through amazing photos. I would recommend this website because it has great photos, they have interesting news stories, and it is very easy to navigate. I would definitely give this website a ⅘ rating because it is very easy to navigate and they have great photos. The only downside of the website is that they don't really post that many articles and there isn't a huge variety of articles.

Bagnews posted a great article a couple years ago where they talked about a plane crash and the rescue that occured . They really seemed to help the readers understand and create images inside our head. They used very descriptive words and they really helped the visualization in my head come together with the real story. They did a really good job of describing the events in order and it really helped me understand when and where everything in the story was occuring. I wish there was more writing and more interesting details on the article though.

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